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![Dash DMW001AQ Mini Maker for Individual Waffles, Hash Browns, Keto Chaffles with Easy to Clean, Non-Stick Surfaces, 4 Inch, Aqua]()
$9.99- Power Cooking: 350W high-power fast cooking, an elegant heating system that provides perfect results when you cook.
- Simple to Use: Just plugin, add ingredients when the blue light goes out, food is ready.
- Make: You can easily make biscuits, waffles, cakes, and DIY baking-related items.
- Design: The design is simple, lightweight, and very small in size that is also portable and easy to carry. Imagine a product that is only 1.5 pounds, you can carry it while traveling or going on a trip.
- Multi-functions: The functions are quite simple, even a newbie can easily use this to cook such items.