Name: Waqar Hassan

Company Name: Warda Ecommerce Ltd

About Geekyegg:

I started my career at Upwork and freelancer five years ago, since then I worked on several blogs as a writer, SEO analyst, and Rewriter but never thought to create my own platform, as I told you that I bought the domain back in 2018 and it helped me a lot in 2020 where I get some attention from Google.

How I write articles?

I am optimistic to share the key tips that help me to write the articles:

  • I read the Amazon Products
  • Compare them and also read the reviews
  • Select the improved and quality products

While lying on the bed, I thought why not to start my own blog, I soon registered my domain but got stuck with that as tons of websites were already working in my niche, it was, therefore, impossible for me to gain the user’s confidence, secondly, I was a writer and SEO expert only, had no clue how to rank my blog professionally. I tried to nail it but failed badly, since then I started reading on backlink and other Neil Patel websites, there I got an idea to start my own project purely based on Affiliate Networks.

Searching for suitable domains was a tough job for me, finally, It took two names from the top listed websites and merged them,  newegg and geek. I made it Geeky because Geeky means “knowledgeable and obsessively interested in something, especially technology” as per the Cambridge Dictionary.

I tried my level best to write my first ever unbiased article on the best smartwatches as I believe that demand for modern smartwatches is going viral these days. I personally wanna buy any of the smartwatches right after some collection.

Greekyegg and why I created it?

I thought to buy similar to Fitbit bands at cheap prices but when I entered into Amazon official website, believe me, or not, it took more than sixty minutes of crawling and I came up with nothing. You know how attractive and expensive bands are available over there, well I suddenly started writing as I told you earlier about my first ever article on the web for my own website.

Honest Reviews:

I have tried my level best to provide unbiased reviews of different products that will definitely help you to make the good decision if you are planning to buy some products. Reviews and information are written in such a way that may lead buyers to select right and affordable products at a reasonable price.

You know there is a never-ending conversation when we talk about technological improvements, innovation, and enhancement so reviews would be updated accordingly.